QUICKLY Replace Backgrounds in PHOTOSHOP + SECRET refine edge in CC 2017

Credit by : photoshopCAFE
Quickly Replace Backgrounds in Photoshop Secret Refine Edge in CC 2017Hey CAFE Crew, it's Colin Smith here from Photoshop Cafe. Today I'm going to show you how to cut out this lady from the beach and what we're goingto do is I'm going to show you how to use Refine Edge in CC 2017. Whoa, you say, "Hang on a second, isn't Refine Edge gone?"Aha!Actually, it's not. It's a little secret I'm going to show you how to get Refine Edge back in CC 2017. So, anyway, what we're going to do is I'm going to grab the Quick Select Brush hereand I'm going to set it to a pretty small size about there and I'm just going to hoover here and start selecting this object. Now, don't worry if you go over the edges because sometimes when you go back and youhold down the Alt or the Option key to recover it, it can actually get more accurate selections than it does when you're actually adding it. So let's just go see like we went over there, if I hold the Alt or the Option key, I cango down there and just kind of clean that up. Sometimes you're going to go over a little bit; there we go. I'm just going to tap in there. I don't like that. I'm just going to undo that. I'm just going to tap in there. There we go. I'm just kind of selecting in here. Now one of the things, if you like this tutorial and you like a lot of different Photoshoptutorials and Lightroom, as well as gadgetsóI've just done a bunch of drone videosódon't forgetto hit that Subscribe button, and then, you'll get my new videos that I do every single week. So anyway, I'm just tapping there to select on the handle. So we've got somewhat of a pretty decent selection to start with. So what we want to do now is we want to go in and refine our selection. So, typically, you'll go in, you'll choose Select and Mask, and then, you'll get thisSelect and Mask work space. Now, not everybody likes this. Some people prefer the old Refine Edge. In fact, sometimes this works better, sometimes Refine Edge works better, so let's just hitthe Cancel. So how do we get Refine Edge if we go under the Select, you'll notice it's nowhere tobe found. Okay, here's the secret squirrel handshake. So what we're going to do is we're going to go down to Select and Mask, which is goingto take us into that Select and Mask workspace, but this time hold down the Shift key andclick and voila, look at that!The old Refine Edge comes up like it used to work and we can use that little SelectionBrush here, so make it a little smaller and go down just go in there and clean up betweenthe feet there and give her a little bit more. You might want to play around with the radius a little bit to get a nice radius. So we're looking at it against black. Let's have a look at it again against white. Yeah, it's looking pretty decent. That's good enough for rock and roll. So what we're going to do is we're going to choose the output and we're just going togo to New Layer with Layer Mask, click OK, and boom!We've cut that out. So, as you can see, it's really easy. So why don't we just add this on to background for a bit of fun, so I'm just going to clickand hold. The new tab is going to open for the next window, move it down, haven't released yet. Hold down the Shift key, release and it will drop it right in the middle. Okay, I'm going to show you an additional little tip to clean up these edges. So sometimes we get these hard edges around there. What you can do is go on to our mask that we've created right there and then just bringthe Feather up a little bit like maybe about, man I don't know, depending on the resolution,that's looking about right there because that's more natural. We got the Lens Blur. And then, we still got a little bit of fringing on here, so what you can do is you can choosethe Select and Mask right there, and then what we do under the Select and Mask, it justpulled the Shift Edge back a little bit. Notice if we go too far, it's going to clean that up a lot that it might take out someof the image, so it just kind of bring it back a little; maybe about there is lookingpretty good and click OK. So if we look at it now, we've been able to clean up those edges. So anyway, guys, short and sweet. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, hit the Subscribe button, become a subscriber. Every week, I'm going to give you a new tutorial. Also, hit that Like button. I really like it when you hit the Like button. All right, so thanks guys. Thanks for checking us out. Don't forget, add a comment, and until next time, I'll see you at the CAFE. 

QUICKLY Replace Backgrounds in PHOTOSHOP + SECRET refine edge in CC 2017 QUICKLY Replace Backgrounds in PHOTOSHOP + SECRET refine edge in CC 2017 Reviewed by Narooht on 5:37 PM Rating: 5

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